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Department of Business Administration
College of Business 




Omicron Delta Epsilon Honor Society– Epsilon Chapter

Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world’s largest academic honor societies. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in 经济学; the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in 经济学 within colleges and universities, and among colleges and universities; the publication of its official journal, The American Economist , 并在专业会议上赞助小组讨论,以及欧文·费舍尔和弗兰克·W. Taussig competitions.

目前, Omicron Delta Epsilon has 681 chapters located in the United States, 加拿大, 澳大利亚, the United Kingdom, 墨西哥, 波多黎各, 南非, 埃及, 法国, 哈萨克斯坦, and United Arab Emirates. 有着如此宽广的视野, 国际基础, chapter activities vary widely, ranging from invited speakers, 小组讨论, 晚餐, 会议, 等., to special projects such as review sessions and tutoring for students in 经济学. 欧米克隆Delta Epsilon在许多学院和大学的年度荣誉日庆祝活动中发挥着重要作用.


经济学 Club serves as a forum for undergraduate students interested in 经济学. Its activities included regular 会议, 研讨会, discussions with professional economists, 同伴的建议, closer interaction with the 经济学 department faculty, and other relevant programs.  俱乐部致力于提供一种媒介,通过这种媒介,感兴趣的学生可以讨论具有经济意义的问题.  俱乐部成员通过鼓励商业和经济Research,积极寻求进一步发展对经济现象的系统分析. The club is designed to enhance discussion of economic and 业务 issues among academic, 业务, labor and public sectors in the Jackson metropolitan area.  All College of Business majors are welcome to join.

The Investment Club

投资俱乐部对所有学生开放,目的是通过制定和执行合理的财务决策来提高其成员的知识和金融财富. We also 促进 financial well being through planned activities and service projects. 投资俱乐部为想要更多地了解金融领域的学生和教师创造了一条途径, 和投资. For the student who wants to get into the stock market but is unsure of how it works, the student wanting to become more financially savvy, or the common student looking for a way to get involved, the investment club is for you. 我们有几个专门帮助学生增加金融知识的委员会, gain community service hours and also opportunities for internships and interviews.



The Business Administration program combines courses in 管理, 市场营销, 经济学, 金融, 商业法, 为学生提供公司职能领域的广泛知识,以及他们如何相互CONTACT. 这些主题对有小型企业所有权计划的学生和想在金融机构从事行政工作的学生特别有益.

经济学 我们的经济学学位是一个专门的学术课程,专注于Research社会如何分配RESOURCES来满足他们的需求和愿望. 这个学位通常需要四年才能完成,涵盖了与经济系统相关的广泛主题, 政策, 和趋势. The curriculum for an 经济学 degree includes courses in micro经济学, 宏观经济学, 计量经济学, and economic history. Students also take courses in mathematics, 统计数据, 以及数据分析,培养理解和分析经济现象所需的分析和定量技能.

Business Administration 我们的工商管理学位是一个专业的学术课程,为学生提供对企业管理原则和实践的广泛理解. 该学位通常需要四年时间才能完成,涵盖了与商业运作相关的广泛主题, 策略, 金融, 和市场营销.The curriculum for a 业务 administration degree includes courses in accounting, 金融, 市场营销, operations 管理, and organizational behavior. Students also take courses in 经济学, 统计数据, 商业法 to gain a better understanding of the broader 业务 environment.

管理 我们的商业管理学位是一个专业的学术课程,为学生提供管理和领导企业所需的知识和技能. 该学位通常需要四年时间才能完成,涵盖了与商业运作相关的广泛主题, 策略, 领导, 和金融. The curriculum for a 业务 管理 degree includes courses in accounting, 金融, 市场营销, operations 管理, organizational behavior, 和领导能力. Students also take courses in 经济学, 统计数据, 商业法 to gain a better understanding of the broader 业务 environment.

市场营销 -我们的市场营销学位是一个专门的学术课程,为学生提供创造所需的知识和技能, 促进, and distribute products and services in today’s global marketplace. 该学位通常需要四年时间才能完成,涵盖了与市场Research相关的广泛主题, 消费者的行为, 品牌, 广告, and digital 市场营销. The curriculum for a 市场营销 degree includes courses in 市场营销 research, 消费者的行为, 品牌, 广告, 公共关系, and digital 市场营销. Students also take courses in 统计数据, 经济学, 商业法 to gain a better understanding of the broader 业务 environment.

Supply Chain 管理 -我们的供应链管理学位是一个专业的学术课程,为学生提供管理从原产地到消费点的商品和服务流动所需的知识和技能. 该学位通常需要四年才能完成,涵盖了与物流相关的广泛主题, operations 管理, 采购, 和运输. 供应链管理学位课程包括物流和供应链管理课程, operations 管理, 采购, 运输, and inventory 管理. Students also take courses in 统计数据, 经济学, 商业法 to gain a better understanding of the broader 业务 environment.

学习 BY

我们的课程旨在为学生提供关键的技能和能力,为他们在政府机构的职业生涯做好准备, 私营部门, non-profit organizations, and entrepreneurial ventures. 工商管理系和商学院与企业建立了CONTACT, 政府, and community organizations that provide internships, 合作社, and part-time and full-time positions.

“Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.”


Research生s of our 经济学, 业务 administration, 管理, 市场营销, 供应链管理学位课程为各种职业道路做好了充分的准备. 他们有必要的技能和知识来理解业务运作的各个方面,并做出合理的业务决策. They also have the 领导 skills needed to inspire and motivate employees, build successful teams, and lead organizations to success. 

职业生涯 机会

工商管理专业的学生在学习管理学后有大量的职业选择, 市场营销, 经济学, 金融, 商业法:

Procurement Officer Office Administrator Human RESOURCES Manager Sports Operations Manager
Advertising and 市场营销 Manager 城市经理 Franchising Manager Business Developer/Consultant



想了解更多? Click below to view our organizations.





Course Descriptions


For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-2531.  我们期待着与您会面,看看我们的计划如何帮助您实现您的目标.



College of Business
Jackson State University
1400约翰·R. 林奇街,
杰克逊,MS 39217


(601) 979-2531