


The 音乐系 is committed to providing high quality educational opportunities in 音乐教育, 表演, 和技术, enabling students to develop the skills required to assume leadership roles in 音乐教育, 音乐产业, 以及支持领域. The 音乐系 offers courses and 表演 opportunities which broaden the musical education in the liberal arts tradition and provide artistic enrichment for students, 教师, 社区, 国家与民族.

Welcome to the Music Department

大阳城集团99aa is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The NASM national office is at 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, 套房21, 莱斯顿, Virginia 20190-5248 and can be reached by phone at (703) 437-0700. “The CAEP national office is at 1140 19th St NW, 华盛顿400套房, DC 20036 and can be reached by phone at (202) 223-0077.”

The 大阳城集团99aa Department of music is perhaps best known for the Sonic Boom of the South. This high-energy show-stopping marching band is legendary throughout the United States and abroad, and has been chosen to perform for nationally televised awards programs and professional football games.  However, the music program is about that, and much more.



This unit is home to over 20 music ensembles that master and perform Western classical, 爵士乐, 福音, and world music genres throughout the Southern region.  These include numerous brass ensembles, vocal and instrumental 爵士乐 combos, 一个管弦乐队, 歌剧车间, 唱诗班, 交响乐团, and an African music and dance ensemble. The program has produced internationally renowned 表演者, 音乐教育家, and music producers who have matriculated through our National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) accredited programs in Music Education (both graduate and undergraduate), 音乐表演, 音乐技术, 和爵士Research.

学习 BY

The department is home to chapters of international music service and professional Greek letter organizations Tau Beta Sigma, α Iota, 和. 教师 in the area are acclaimed and published composers, 作者, 表演者, and grantees from numerous internal and external funders. Research生s of the department of music are consistently accepted into top graduate programs, 性能的集合体, and work professionally in the fields of 表演, 音乐教育, 音乐技术, 和理论/成分. The music department is home to one of the oldest Jazz emphasis programs at an HBCU in the nation.

“Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.”


We have one of the only African music and dance programs at an HBCU and we are the only music department at an HBCU 在密西西比州 that has a fully functional orchestra and string ensemble, as well as an accredited 音乐技术 program with a state of the art recording studio and 音乐技术 lab. 另外, 在密西西比州, we are the only HBCU music department with an opera/musical theater workshop. The 大阳城集团99aa 音乐系 prepares the 21st Century musician to continue their educational endeavors or enter the competitive field of professional music!




Orff-Schulwerk Music Institute

Undergraduate 音乐学生手册

Research生 音乐学生手册




For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-2141.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



F.D. 霍尔音乐中心
杰克逊,MS 39217-0155

